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at long last, me in a kilt

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Coming soon for your swooning pleasure...the Robotic Cats in kilts together! Doing homoerotic wrestling moves! In Greece!


I am so ready for homoroboticat kiltaction shots....

somehow, though, your loafers just don't look right with the kilt. you need the man-ly boots. and some sun on your legs...
hottie :)

Och! Now we just have to get ye a bonnet and an baskethilt claymore....

Ah, my boy in a skirt and braids and my girl bald in monk garb. The things a mother dreams of. Just kidding, I think you look great in your kilt.

Oh Daniel,
I remember the first time you put on a skirt. I am so thrilled you are still into it. It's one of the most sexy looks for men.