how can i make dan's head explode...hmmmm?
Graumagus admitted that when replying to an earlier post, that he was deciding what to post based on 'How can I make Dan's head explode...hmmmm'.
I thought maybe this link to the Understanding Terror Online Coloring Book (thanks, Steph) would be a good way to pay him back. Many unfortunate spelling and grammatical errors abound (even the most cursory critical eye would have helped it's credibility a great deal) but I still think it makes some salient points.
In spite of some flaws, I think it advances a basic view of the 'War on Terror' that I don't think makes it to mainstream media much. No doubt Grau is familiar with the arguments presented in this book and could easily make a point-by-point refutation of each humorous accusation, but I guess I'm posting this cause I'd really like to hear those refutations.
When I read this book it reminds me of why I think the otherwise brilliantly intelligent Grau, is a serious patsy for the Bush administration.
(you know, these back and forth posts are making me start to think about installing trackbacks on the tinyblog)
And Speaking of Grau, when he's not busy being a Right Wing Nut, he's also a funny funny funny funny funny funny man.
Heheh actually everything I posted about the tax thing wasn't specifically designed to make your head explode, I was admitting that I ALMOST made some shit up in that post to deliberately drive you batty just for the hell of it, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
As for the coloring book, one thing does seriously piss me off.
Sometime in the next few days when I have like 45 minutes to look through it all I will.
Posted by: Bill | April 13, 2004 7:24 AM
It didn't take that long to load for me. (ducking)
Posted by: Contagion | April 13, 2004 2:05 PM
I sent you e-mail. Read it dammit! Or I'm going to sign you up for the Rush Limbaugh Fan Club! BTW Willy should be getting his Al Franken Fan club membership in about a week or so.
Posted by: Contagion | April 14, 2004 1:51 PM
I haven't seen anything from you man, on ANY email address. WTF!!!
I'll try sending you one.
Posted by: Daniel Talsky | April 15, 2004 3:09 PM
Okay, sent you another. See if this one gets through your Spam/Contagion blocker
Posted by: Contagion | April 16, 2004 2:42 PM