in commemoration of the upcoming election and my friendship with grau
Today, at lunch with a respected co-worker, I had a conversation about this blog about how it almost ended one of my childhood friendships. It reminded me:
Almost four years ago now, when the Bush-Kerry lead-up was raging, I took some mushrooms and had a strong feeling that I should go ahead and endorse Kerry on my blog.
My childhood friend Grau, and writer of the now defunct conservative blog FrizzenSparks, wrote a comment on my site and blog post on his site ending our friendship over my political views.
I wrote a painfully detailed response, in defense of my political ideas and our friendship, which rings awfully strangely four years later. If you can stomach it, please read it, and let me know what you think.
Well, I started writing this huge response to everything you guys were arguing about there but decided to just summarize by saying that you both had solid points and I never really understood why there couldn't be a live-and-let-live response to it. We all see the world through different eyes, and although I can see preferring that those around you share your views, I don't see why once it's been established that we're all stubborn bastards that aren't going to change, that we can't just live with that and move on.
That said, I honestly think that if it wasn't for the fact that he's pretty much cut himself off from the rest of the world that he'd be open to letting bygones be bygones - I just don't see him holding a lifelong grudge over something stupid like this...
Posted by: Shadoglare | August 18, 2008 9:27 PM
Wow, Dan. I didn't get the chance to really sit down and read this until now, but, wow. I don't know Grau (do I?), and while I agree wholeheartedly with your views (although I'm completely ignorant when it comes to the UN, so take that for what it's worth) and envy your ability to back up your arguments so eloquently and nonconfrontationally... yikes. I really hope you guys were able to eventually work things out, agree to disagree, etc. If we can't discuss these things openly and intelligently with our friends and family, how can we ever expect to come to a middle ground politically on a national or international scale? Maybe you can fill me in on Sunday.
See you soon (you dirty hippie). ;)
Posted by: Steph | August 21, 2008 4:15 PM