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June 24, 2006


"I check my look in the mirror / I wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face"

2006 Shaven2! 008

I'm gonna too. I shaved off my beard and I'm gonna keep it shaved as long as I can stand to.

And the hair. It's going too. I haven't set a date... I might get a trim to clean up the split ends and then make sure it's out to the required 10 inches for donation to Locks of Love.

But, I am really going to do it. Andrew Dunloy and I decided to do it on the same day. I'm not sure when, but by the end of the Fire Dog year at the latest.

If you find a photo of a hairstyle you think would look good on me would you send it my way? I'm open to suggestion but think short.

I've had long hair ever since my friend Nicole G. told me once back in 1993 in a University of Washington dorm room not to cut my hair again until she told me to. I wish I knew how to get a hold of her for permission, but the internet has not been kind in that regard. Sorry Nicole.

June 23, 2006


I don't know what I ate, I just know what it feels like to be poisoned. Hurting at every weak place, stomach cramps and puking up bile for a day and then days later, every joint stiff. The headache is still home.

I made a big pot of chicken with greens from the garden. It was my first real meal in three days.

I can hardly move my neck. I have fantasies of angels coming to massage me and minister to me. I'm so behind and I just have to keep working, in the hole again.

Nate is gone now. I was too poisoned to go to meditation by myself. We should have done Chenrezig one last time. We did sing the purification mantra for a solid half hour though, when we were walking to catch the bus. Maybe that's what this is. Purification.

It's funny, for the solstice parade this year I got painted as a poisonous salamander. (I'm naked, so this is NOT safe for work: Salamander Front, Salamander Back). Now I feel like a real poisonous salamander. If you like pictures of naked, painted people, I took a lot of them.

June 2, 2006

are any of my seattle friends particularly Neko Case fans?


If so, just email me.