I don't know what I ate, I just know what it feels like to be poisoned. Hurting at every weak place, stomach cramps and puking up bile for a day and then days later, every joint stiff. The headache is still home.
I made a big pot of chicken with greens from the garden. It was my first real meal in three days.
I can hardly move my neck. I have fantasies of angels coming to massage me and minister to me. I'm so behind and I just have to keep working, in the hole again.
Nate is gone now. I was too poisoned to go to meditation by myself. We should have done Chenrezig one last time. We did sing the purification mantra for a solid half hour though, when we were walking to catch the bus. Maybe that's what this is. Purification.
It's funny, for the solstice parade this year I got painted as a poisonous salamander. (I'm naked, so this is NOT safe for work: Salamander Front, Salamander Back). Now I feel like a real poisonous salamander. If you like pictures of naked, painted people, I took a lot of them.