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guest a$$hole

Okay, let's all just openly admit that it's gotten a little lame over here at the tinyblog. And by that I mean lame, and not lame.

So I've decided I need to do something to breathe some fresh life into the old girl. (No, not the long promised redesign.)

It has come to my attention that one of my favorite bloggers has recently been deactivated. So what the hell, I think it's time to give A$$hole a regular guest spot over here at the tinyblog. So whaddya think, fellas, let's all give her a round of applause and make her feel real welcome.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a$$hole.


Welcome ((real name deleted, don't mention a$$hole's name!!!))

Hip-Hip-Hooray...and all that.

Okay, first ground rule...please don't call me out by name. That is all...I am "anonymous" rght now.

Yay tinyblog A$$holeness!


Said and done oh anonymous one.