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Anyone curious in any way about Scientology or Dianetics should read this very well written essay:

Scientology perpetrates fraud, abuse, deception and mind control on its
adherents. These actions violate not only the law but also the human rights and
civil rights of its members. Further, Scientology abhors criticism so much that
it misuses the mantle of religion to promote and justify hatred and bigotry by
its members, attorneys, private investigators and cult apologists towards


Just one curious visit to the Scientology "home page" was enough to convince me it was a load of crap.

Every link basically says "Send us money to learn more."

Interesting that it's the only "religion" that requires people to pay out the nose right up front in order to learn about it.

And that fact that it was designed by a sci-fi author doesn't make it sit any better with me either.

He was certainly amazingly talented at inventing a religion to profit(obscenely) from.

It's scarey how many people are willing to be deceived for the sake of believing in something.

Too bad his writing didn't carry such a convincing punch-it might have been worth reading if it did.

Hey now, Battlefield Earth was a good book. Horrible movie, but a good book.

You keep insisting that, Joe...I haven't found anyone to corroborate yet though.

The fact that it was designed by a really bad sci-fi author should tell you something. And Battlefield Earth wasn't very good, unless you compare it to Hubbard's other works, in which case it looks like a literary masterpiece.

Then again... $163 a body thetan ain't a bad deal...(snicker)
Ever think Hubbard made this whole theology up on a bet?
"$20 says I can get someone to believe that all their problems are caused by alien spirits brainwashed by a guy named Xenu, and pay me to get rid of them."

Do you think you could start a holy war between the Church of Scientology and the Celestine Prophecy?

I was actually thinking of starting an offshoot of scientology. Like a protestant version (maybe "The Church of Non-Conformist Anti-Thetanism"?) and undercut their prices. Then I realized have several thousand very rich scientologists out for my blood would be a bad thing. I'll put that on my "Things to do when I become horribly wealthy" list along with that orbital death-ray platform I wanna build.