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thank you to everyone who has ever cooked for me

Thank you to everyone who has ever cooked for me, I am eternally grateful. Whether you steamed some rice and vegetables, or baked me Eggplant Parmesana, thank you, thank you all.

I would like to say that I love everyone equally, but those who have cooked for me have a special place in my heart. I love every eating in every way, from eating French toast standing over the counter, to stew from a Dutch oven in front of the campfire, to seared ahi tuna at a white tablecloth. It all tastes even better when someone cooks it for me and puts it in front of me. Even if the skill of the cooker is inept, sincerity is what counts in my book. (Although I believe that true sincerity produces palatable food�disregarding the drastic accident.)

When I spend money to entertain myself, I almost always do it with food. To eat someplace new and fascinating is the greatest. When the food is really good I close my eyes when I eat, like a guy in a Taco Bell commercial.